This blog is a way friends and family can keep track and share my journey into bicycle touring as well as my journey thru life by the grace that can only come from God the Father thru His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


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Friday, September 3, 2010


Can you say windy?! I could make a long post and tell you all the negative things that happened today but the only thing I’d be talking about would be the wind. It was horrible! It was gusting at 30 mph in some places along the way. It was WNW which was where I was headed and I don’t believe ever got under 20 mph while riding.
I think instead of going on about how bad it was I’ll just focus on the positive.

One of our church family and friend Bud Cole came to see me off this morning. That was nice of him to do that. Thanks Bud! I also waited for my grandkids to show up before I left. Our three girls were there as well. After all the picture taking I hit the road. Also, it was a beautiful day temperature wise and only partly cloudy.

I has in the saddle a little long than I had wanted to be today and was pretty sore in the legs (for some reason which I’ve said I won’t mention) when I arrived at my brothers home. His wife Leslie made a great supper and after a nice shower I’m feeling much more refreshed now, yet tired. I’ve got a longer day tomorrow but hopefully the weather (wind) will be a little kinder to me than today.

Yeah, that’s what it was like all day.

Today’s ice cream flavor: Vanilla in a Wendy’s Frosty Root beer float.
Tomorrow’s destination: La Plata, Mo.
Mileage today: 65.9

Oh, Happy Birthday to my friend Danny Goodall at Living Waters. Hope you had a great day ol' man!


  1. Hang in there, Mark! We are keeping you (and Pat) in our prayers as you make this journey.
    Doug and Linda
