"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matt.5:6
This blog is a way friends and family can keep track and share my journey into bicycle touring as well as my journey thru life by the grace that can only come from God the Father thru His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
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My loving friends, Randy, Esta and Riley Bringman. They live in Canon City, CO. Randy and Esta's home. I slept well. Children's church. Randy leading the song service. Esta and her father.
"So, why should I get saved? I'll make Heaven anyway cause I'm a pretty good person."
The Bible says, “There is none good, no not one”. We’ve all broken God’s Law and deserve punishment. Without salvation you’ll spend eternity in Hell. If you’ve ever told a lie, you’re a liar. If you’ve ever stolen something (regardless of value), you’re a thief. If you are angry with a person without just cause, you’re a murderer at heart. You don’t have to actually kill a person physically to be a murderer in God’s eyes. Have you ever committed adultery? God says that if you look at a person and lust after them, then, you’ve committed adultery already with them in your heart. So, you’re not a good person after all and stand in need of salvation from God’s wrath.
You must realize that you are a sinner, cry out to God and repent of your sins, then turn from them once and for all. Don’t practice sinning any longer and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Christ died on the Cross for your sins so you won’t have to go to Hell. Then He promises to give you ever lasting life and never leave you or forsake you. Pray to Him today before it’s too late.
"So, what is bicycle touring anyway?"
It's probably different for everybody but, to me, it's a sense of freedom on the open road. Not always knowing what's around the next turn or where you'll lay your head for the night. It's packing up your bike with everything you need to live and celebrating God's wonderous creation at a slower pace.
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