Concerning my departure on the Million Dollar Tour, I’m down to the short rows. I’ve got a lot to do and a short time to do it before I leave. I feel like physically I’m pretty much ready and I know I’ll get stronger once I get underway. But, as far as having a number of projects and tasks completed at home and at work, I’m really pressed. So, I’ll do as much as I can and hope the rest will be waiting for me upon my return.
I took the bike in to the Village Cycle Shop in Jacksonville for a tune up and general look over. Jordie did a great job getting it adjusted. It shifts better and he said the rear axle was worn out so I got it replaced. Good thing I took it in. I won’t have been able to fix that on my own on the road. There isn't any bike shops between Quincy, Illinois and Denver, Colorado that I can find. I can’t say enough about the service that John, Judell and Jordie give at the Cycle Shop. If you’re ever in South Jacksonville stop in and see them.
Time is short on another front as well. Christ’s return is soon. Are you ready? Whether you want to believe it or not, God’s Word says that His Son, Jesus Christ, will be coming back to earth some day, and that could happened at any moment. If you’re a Christian you’re supposed to be about doing God’s business; telling others about God’s wrath, His grace, the Good News of the Gospel and living a life that is pleasing to God.
We should be witnessing as Christ did to the rich, young ruler. We can’t water down the Gospel message and only proclaim God as wanting us to live our “best life now”. God is a god of wrath and judgment and every person has broken His Laws. He will hold us accountable and we will stand before Him in judgment. But, He is merciful and doesn’t want anyone to perish, but, for all to come to repentance. He shows us His grace thru the shed blood of His Son Jesus Christ, that was spelt for every man, woman and child on the Cross at Mt. Calvary. It’s a free gift that he offers. There’s no way you can purchase or earn it thru any good works or penitence.
We are to be about doing good works, though they won’t merit our salvation, just as Christ did while on earth. Though, it was an inconvenience to others, the good Samaritan showed compassion and love to the man he found beaten and broken along the way. We are to follow the example that Christ explained in that parable and, of which, Christ exemplified while walking among us.
So, time is indeed very short. Are you witnessing as often as you can thru word and deed? Do you have a Christ-like attitude and doing good whenever the opportunity comes? How’s your spiritual growth? Are you closer to God today than you were a yesterday, a week ago, a month ago or a year ago? Are you studying your Bible daily? You wouldn’t miss a meal each day so why would you not read God’s Word each day? The Apostle Paul says we should “examine ourselves daily”. How often do you do that? I know I need to more.
Take advantage of what time God has left you with. Never think there is always tomorrow because tomorrow may never come. Salvation is needed today. It will not do you any good to think that you’ll just ask God’s forgiveness or that you’ll turn to Him after you die. Scripture says that it will be too late then and you’ll spend eternity in Hell. So, turn to God today in true repentance and faith thru Jesus Christ. What are you waiting for?
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