This blog is a way friends and family can keep track and share my journey into bicycle touring as well as my journey thru life by the grace that can only come from God the Father thru His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Q: Why are you doing this trip?
A: Check my March post entitled “Commemorating the 50th”.

Q: What route will you be taking?
A: Check my April post entitled, “The Route – Winchester to Winchester…via Colorado”.

Q: How long will you be gone?
A: I’ve allotted myself 31 days but will be trying to cut it down to 30 days. Leaving Friday Sept. 3rd and back by Sun. Oct. 3rd.

Q: How many miles will you ride?
A: I don’t have the exact mileage figured yet but around 2000 miles.

Q: Is anyone going with you?
A: At this time, no…and no one’s volunteered yet either! It’s hard to find anyone that is willing to take off during the time I’m going but I’m open for volunteers.

Q: Are you worried about traffic?
A: Yes and no. I use my head and am always watchful and cautious. I have two mirrors and I listen for what’s coming up behind me. There are a lot of people who don’t follow the Rules of the Road and have no idea what to do around bikes, especially passing from behind. I always have to be on the defensive.

Q: Where will you be staying?
A: I’ll be tent camping most the time in City Parks, camp grounds, State Parks, or people’s yards. Occasionally, I may try staying in or at churches and possibly a firehouse, yet, it might be hard to run across manned firehouses since I’ll be steering clear of bigger cities. The weather could force me into a motel room but I prefer to tent camp. I will stay with a friend and relatives between Denver and Pueblo. I would like to stealth camp a couple times if I can find the right places.

Q: How much food and gear will you carry?
A: I’ll try to take enough food to get me by for about two days. I’ll be eating lots of peanut butter and jelly or honey sandwiches. Gear wise I want to carry only what I need and hopefully it will be around 40 total pounds. I’ll know more when I do my practice camps and rides this summer.

Q: Will you carry any weapons?
A: Yes, a sword, God’s Word. And, mace for the dogs.

Q: How many miles will you ride a day?
A: It will be as low as 65 miles and possibly as high as 137 miles. I hope to average between 75-80 miles per day.

Q: What time will you start riding each morning?
A: I hope to be on the road no later than 6:30 each morning and put most my miles in before noon.

Q: What about rest days?
A: I’ll take about three rest days at my family’s house in Denver, after riding for 11 days straight, and one rest day at my friends house three days after I leave my relatives house. Then, no rest days till I get home.

Q: How do you train for the tour?
A: I hit the road on the weekends, riding as many miles as I can. Three days a week, I ride the bike set up on my rollers at home.

Q: What kind of bike will you ride?
A: I have a 2005 Trek 3900 mountain bike that I converted into a touring bike. It has street tires, touring handle bars, racks, fenders, 24 speeds and misc. other items that help it be more suited for the highway and hills. It does have the original front shock that I have mixed feelings about. The shock just adds more weight that I have to deal with, but on the other hand, at my age I can use all the shock absorbing I can get.

Q: How much will it cost you a day to travel?
A: It will depend on a number of things…how much I want to eat at restaurants, camping fees, supplies, a rare motel room maybe. I hope to keep it as low as possible but I’ve heard some cyclist say that $15-$35 is the range. I hope to try and get by for around $20 a day, if possible. Instead of three meals a day, I’ll need four to keep up my strength. Dumpster diving and assorted road kill could help curb my costs greatly (just kidding Mom). One thing’s for sure, I won’t be buying any gas! Whoopie!!!

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